Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Listening to CACI Groundswell and Determining an Insight

     Well, now that I am well practiced at working with some social media sites, I am attempting to listen to the groundswell of CACI, Int. in order to come up with a possible insight about the company that I work for in regards to what our target candidates feel about CACI. I'd like to find an insight as to whether I think our company needs to take a look from the outside in on how appealing we are to top talent. I have to say that some of this information may come from some internal groundswell that is not found on an external website.

  • To begin I will conduct my search on a couple of sites:

Google Search - and Images

  • I will use the following words/phrases to start my search and will extend these based off of what is showing up:

CACI, Int.
CACI Company
Positive CACI
Negative CACI
CACI 2013
CACI Today
CACI History
What do you think about CACI Company

  • Results:
     So, I started off with the Google Search. It popped up with the CACI Homepage and then some news articles about newly awarded work followed. Below that was the CACI Wiki page, as expected. The second page listed the LinkedIn account and then the fourth with the Twitter feed. Finally, I found a news article on page four about the company buying a competitor, Six3, for $820M. Reading the article, I found it interesting that it stated that one of the reasons we acquired them was for a contract that was awarded to them this year for $179M out of NGIC. It was interesting because CACI had previously held that contract since inception for over 7 years when Six3 came in and underbid and won it.
     Not finding much more on the name search, I move on. When I look at the images I see a ton of CACI logos mixed in with another skincare company also named CACI. As I scroll down, I start to notice photos of protests of individuals attempting to shut down CACI offices due to an implication of the Abu Ghraib prison scandal. Yikes! Now, I'm starting to want to move away from this subject since I currently work for CACI. Looking at Wikipedia, CACI has had several lawsuits relating to Abu Ghraib. At the bottom of the page however, it lists CACI in the Top 100 US Federal Contractors (rated at 26).
     Doing a Google search of CACI History brings up Google Finance and a graphic of CACI stock. it seems to be the highest ever at 70.76. Nothing else really comes up from Google with what I have. There is a website called Glassdoor that keeps coming up with employee reviews about the company. I'm going to check that out next.
     Glassdoor, is an interesting site. In the future I may have add this to my Groundswell when looking at a new company. They have a total amount of reviews (208) then stars that go from 1 to 5 (3.4). They rate up to 5 points for Culture & Values, Work/Life Balance, Senior Management, Comp & Benefits and Career Opportunities (3 and higher for all). It shows the current amount that approve of the CEO (68%) and then the percentage of employees that recommend the company to a friend (64%). The information is dated as of 8 November 2013. Some of the reviews are regarding trying to get hired on and trying to get friends hired on. There are other tags I can choose from to review such as overview, salaries, interviews, jobs and more but, I have to have an account to keep reading. Bummer.
     On to Twitter, of course I check out @CACIIntl since that is the tagline for CACI feeds. Of course, the information posted is CACI news that is positive about the company. I'm searching keywords for CACI and positive keywords along with it and nothing is coming up in English so I'm moving on to negative. Still nothing, so I'm going to search for the statements made by some of the protesters to see if anything comes up. So, I finally found something when searching for 'CACI Abu Ghraib'. There is a ton of recent posts with CACI associated with #torture . It appears that CACI sued the prisoners that were made to pose and were abused in the case and won. Now they have to pay CACI $14,000 in legal fees. There seems to be a lot of recent uproar about it it on Twitter but I didn't see it anywhere else yet. Other tweets were about job searching and how to get a job within contracting.
   Now to Facebook. CACI has a Facbook page (https://www.facebook.com/CACIIntl) which is reminiscent of the Twitter feeds and their homepage.  They have 2,380 Likes but there still isn't a dislike button so what does this really even tell you. There are some recent posts by others on the page that bring up the Abu Ghraib news. There are some pretty gruesome photos posted with comments of the company being the worst in the world for suing the victims in the scandal to pay the legal fees. Most everything else are posts about people trying to get a job with CACI. It seems like the website is not intuitive for people trying to get hired on with the company. I'm going to check out the homepage to see what it looks like for trying to get a position.
     In looking at the homepage, it appears that there is a lot of missing information. Some of the comments that I found elsewhere asked a lot about benefits i.e. company, days off/paid time off, amount of tuition reimbursement, referral amounts. The benefits page lists these but it is very generic and does not give you the exact amounts of anything. It's hard to tell what you would really be getting and I cannot find that information anywhere externally. I'm going to look into CACI jobs next.
    Okay, so I clicked on CACI jobs and a search page pops up. It is a list of 960 jobs. I can search by title, JR Number (some may not know what JR stands for), Location and Date (not sure if this is date needed or date posted). What if I was just out of college and was willing to take a number of jobs? There is no where for me to put in my experience and background to see what fits with me. I have to find the position and hope I fit with it. This could really take up a lot of time. I clicked on a position, it doesn't give me a POC, not even a recruiters name. There is no salary range or even date needed by information. The description is a long 30 sentence single paragraph, please kill me now. I'm lucky that I'm not trying to find a job within CACI right now.I can't even tell if some of these positions are the same position or if there are multiple listings for the same job. I'm starting to get frustrated with this system so I am moving on.

  • Insight:
     If you want to work for CACI, you need to know someone currently working for them.

Using their system is like putting your resume in a bottle and sending it out to sea hoping you threw it in the right direction and that someone along the line will pick it up and notice you.  It is not intuitive and there is no way to get any type of feedback for positions that you have applied to unless you know someone who can look up the information for you that already works there. I'm going to stay away from the Abu Ghraib topic. I don't know enough about the circumstances nor do I have the time to look into that right now. People looking for a job seem to not care about what had happened or have forgotten. Hopefully, this news doesn't get too blown up or there may be a problem on the company's hands.

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